Check-in & Check-out.
Check-in time : 3pm. Check-out time : 11pm.
Guests may request an early check-in or a late check-out during the booking process. We do our best to honor such requests, however special accommodations depend on availability and are not guaranteed. These options are available upon request, based upon availability of the room. For late check-outs the following rates are applicable:
2 pm. – 6 pm : Late check-out fees at 50% of the prevailing rate. 6 pm onwards : Check-outs later than 6:00pm will be charged 100% the prevailing rate for the full night.
Secure in the knowledge that your children are in excellent hands you can leave your worries behind and once again enjoy some quality time on your own or with your partner. This service is provided up to 8 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Requests for connecting rooms should be made upon booking and are subject to availability upon arrival.
Feel at ease throughout your stay with a complimentary airport shuttle. This exclusive offer is only valid for direct booking via email to reservation team with a minimum stay of 2 consecutive nights. It is recommended to inform us your flight details one day in advance.
Schedule Shuttle
International Airport
Domestic Airport